Escapes, Inspire

Mastering Time Zones: Tips for Seamless Travel

Whether travelling for pleasure, business, or an event, adjusting to a new time zone can be daunting. With these expert tips, you’ll quickly conquer jet leg and be ready to enjoy every moment of your trip. From packing essential comfort items to maintaining a balanced diet, these suggestions will help you stay refreshed and energized throughout your entire journey.


Essential Comfort Items for a Relaxing Flight

A comfortable journey sets the tone for a great trip. When packing your carry-on, make sure to pack essentials such as an eye mask to block out light, a supportive neck pillow to help you rest better. Noise-canceling headphones can help to create a cocoon of calm, allowing you to relax without interruption. For an added touch of tranquility, bring along an aromatherapy roller with a calming scent such as lavender or eucalyptus to help you unwind.


Skincare Tips to Combat In-Flight Dryness 

To really elevate your in-flight experience, enjoy some self-care while doing your skin a favour. Dry cabin air can strip your skin of essential moisture, leading to dryness, discomfort, and ultimately unwanted breakouts. To combat this, prioritize hydration by drinking plenty of water, as studies show that airplane conditions can lead to 1.5-2 liters of water loss. Plan to drink at least eight ounces of water per hour. We also suggest reapplying moisturizer mid-flight and using a hydrating mist incrementally to keep your skin plump and fresh. As a final precaution, protect your skin from the increased UV rays experienced at higher elevations, which penetrate airplane windows, by applying an SPF of at least 30, reapplying in-flight, and keeping the blinds closed.


The Power of Grounding Post Flight

This is one of our favourites and it is not often talked about! Grounding, also known as earthing, involves connecting with the Earth's natural energy by spending time barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil. This practice can reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and increase feelings of well-being. After a long flight, grounding can help your body reset and adjust to the new environment, making it a perfect step to add to your travel routine.


Supercharge Your Immunity

Nothing ruins a vacation like falling ill mid trip… Which is why maintaining strong immunity is essential. Travel can expose you to new germs and stressors. Boost your resistance by incorporating vitamins and supplements like Vitamin C, zinc, elderberry, and glutathione into your regime a few days before travel, in-flight, and throughout your trip. Our founder, Lauren, swears by Organika Instant C,D, Zinc Immunity tablets. Travel with antibacterial wipes to limit exposure to bacteria on planes and in airports. Lastly, prioritizing hydration and a balanced diet should not go overlooked, as these efforts can help to limit travel-related stress which also take a toll on your immune system's strength.


Nourish Your Body with Healthy Foods 

What you eat can significantly impact your energy levels and general health during your trip. We suggest not to rely on options found at the airport, which can be highly processed and include poor quality ingredients. Pack healthy snacks like nuts, trail mix, protein balls, granola, and fruit to keep your energy levels steady. Another convenient way to ensure you get your daily essential nutrients is to travel with a clean protein powder and/or greens powder. While on your vacation, prioritize starting your day with a balanced breakfast of nutritious, whole foods. This will set you up for sustained energy and help balance the indulgent meals you might choose later on. Lastly, if you tend to have an after-dinner sweet treat, we suggest that pack dark chocolate, which allows you to indulge thoughtfully and control cravings.


Sleep Strategy for Time Zone Changes

Potentially the most important key to enjoying a trip is sleep. Adjusting to a new time zone can be challenging, but you can ease the transition by staying awake until your usual bedtime in the new time zone. For example, if you typically sleep at 9 PM EST and are traveling to Los Angeles, try to stay awake until 9 PM PST. Fighting tiredness during this period will help you wake up at your normal time and set you up for an enjoyable trip with optimum energy levels.


Maintain Your Home Routine

Maintaining a sense of routine can help you feel more balanced while traveling. We aim to incorporate just one or two home habits into our travel routine, whether it’s meditation, journaling, or stretching. Doing so can help to create a sense of normalcy, providing comfort and stability in a new environment, and ultimately making the transition smoother and more enjoyable.


Set Clear Travel Intentions

Be mindful of what you want to receive from your trip. Define the purpose of your trip, whether it’s for pleasure, business, or celebration, and set clear intentions. An intention could sound something like aiming to spend 80% of your time outdoors, breaking out of your comfort zone with excursions, or simply reconnecting with a partner. If you’re travelling with a companion(s), share your intention with them and encourage them to do the same. This practice allows focus on individual goals, promotes support of one another’s goals, and sets overall expectations for the trip.


Check in with yourself frequently during your trip. Ask yourself what you need at any moment, whether it's sleep, nutrients, or simply what will make you happiest and most present. With mindfulness and our tried-and-true strategies, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new time zone and a more enjoyable experience. Safe travels!